
We’re issuing an urgent call to Christians worldwide to pray for the people of Israel as they confront a significant crisis. Hamas terrorists from Gaza have launched a surprise infiltration into southern Israel, coupled with waves of rocket attacks on the southern and central regions.

Early reports and videos indicate that numerous armed Hamas operatives have crossed into Gaza border communities, including Sderot and surrounding areas, where they have engaged in hostile activities, including taking hostages and shooting civilians. Their methods of entry are concerning, with some using trucks and motorcycles to overwhelm IDF soldiers at border crossings, while others resorted to paragliders to cross over the border fence. 

This incident occurred on Simchat Torah, the last day of the high holy days, while Israel observed Shabbat. Sirens were heard across the southern half of the country. 

Let us join in prayer for peace, strength, and safety for the people of Israel during this challenging time. May they find resilience and unity in the face of adversity.