Our Values

Relationship with God

We love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and with our strength. Above all things, He is the centre of our love, submission, and worship. 

Prayer is our pursuit

We are a prayer-centred church that understands the power of today’s prayers create the reality of tomorrow. We are always seeking God to move in our lives, our family, our church and our community so that we may all have a full life in Him.


God's word is our foundation

We are a Bible-based church, we consistently teach God's Word to provide our community with a solid foundation of knowledge that will enable it to live fully. We begin by studying God's Word before we take any action.


Passion for growth

God desires for us to prosper in all things. We are committed to seeing deep and wide growth; cultivating, progressing, and reaching more significant levels of knowledge, faith, vision, glory, and blessing.